An Existential Dichotomy…

2 min readFeb 16, 2021

We find ourselves in very strange times. Times that are the greatest test to human endurance and spirit. While die-hard optimists lead us to see the proverbial silver lining or the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s been a quotidian struggle to cope with something like this that we have never encountered before. Yet, we trudge along in this dichotomy where life at both the ends of the spectrum exist as naturally as it can ever be.

Days pass by in blurry chapters while weekends serve as some marker of the passage of time. There is no telling one day from the next. Days stripped bare of the big plans feel empty like trees in autumn. Days go by fast yet we seem to be stuck in the same place with no end in sight.

Celebrations have been packed up and stowed away like decorations after Christmas is done. The dreaded work commutes, coffee breaks at the office, water cooler chats, every day ‘what-to-wear’ musings, brunches, playtimes at the park, Saturday night shenanigans and many of such things filled with life have become distant memories. Life as we have known it seems to have come to a standstill.

Yet, the earth breathes a little better and there is time for us to look around and notice the little things everyday. The biggest gift in these times is that if we are willing to be aware of it, we can allow us some more time to stop and smell the roses, witness a glorious sunrise or sunset, notice our neighbours and extend that helping hand and be more in the present.

Even though the bigger picture is still hazy for many of us with respect to our aspirations and where life may lead us, we still can take comfort in the bird song that is heard more clearly these days and know for sure that there will come a time when we will probably miss these insipid days!

